Sigma Alpha Iota

Pan Pipes Summer 2024

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2 Summer 2024 • D ear Members of Sigma Alpha Iota, I hope this issue of PAN PIPES finds you enjoying some traditional summer activities. To me that means summer music concerts in the park, a memorable vacation, and copious amounts of air conditioning! Later this month, the National Executive Board will be meeting in Minneapolis, MN at the site of our upcoming 2025 Convention for our summer board meeting and some much- anticipated convention preparation. I trust you are looking forward to it as much as we are and making plans to attend, if you are able. Stay tuned this fall as more details are released. Many thanks to those who have already submitted a convention performance or workshop proposal. While the deadline for performers has passed, we are still accepting workshop proposals until September 1, 2024, so be creative and send us your ideas for a fun, engaging convention workshop. One thing I like about summers is the spontaneous, hodgepodge nature of activities that evolve. That theme is also reflected in this summer issue of PAN PIPES, with each page offering a range of exciting topics. One featured story took place about 15 city blocks from where I work: the rededication of the main concert hall at the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts to Marian Anderson Hall. What a wonderful way to honor a musical legend and local hero. Also enjoy reading about updates from MacDowell and the highlighted member adventures and accomplishments, including Renée Fleming's Kennedy Center Honor for lifetime artistic achievement. As we transition into a new fraternity year, I wish to publicly recognize the past nine years of Christine Bruns' dedication as Editor of PAN PIPES. The way she has built upon the foundation of our fraternity journal and taken it to the next level during her tenure is an accomplishment worthy of our thanks and appreciation. As Christine prepares to take on her next role in SAI, I'm confident we can expect the same level of dedication and performance. Please join me in thanking Christine, as well as welcoming our new Editor, Angela Silver! Fun Fact: Angela and I are both initiates of Sigma Omega and have our names listed next to each other in the university library as the result of a fundraising campaign we both participated in. It's nice to see our names together again in print! This issue also contains Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies Inc.'s announcement for Inter-American Music Awards (IAMA) submissions, along with this triennium's composer judges. All interested composers are encouraged to apply, and members are encouraged to become familiar with the works of the judges. What a great opportunity for fraternity education at your next chapter meeting! Supporting SAI Philanthropies continues to be a main objective for the Fraternity. If you haven't had the opportunity to design your very own brick or provide a monetary donation this year, there's still time to participate in the Brick Initiative and/or the Symphony Society. Whichever way you choose to support SAI Philanthropies, please know that it is appreciated and makes an impact. I'd like to share another personal anecdote as I close this greeting. This summer I took a much anticipated and long-awaited trip to London, England. My personal obsession with British history and culture made this a once in a lifetime event. It was as if the people I've been reading about, who were featured in the multitude of podcasts I listen to, came to life in the historic buildings I visited and the portraits I perused. After a visit to Westminster Abbey, I found myself in the gift shop purchasing a Tudor Rose pin. On my way back to the hotel, I was running my finger over this pin, and it got me thinking about SAI. It consists of five white inner petals and five red outer petals. Our Fraternity colors are red and white, and our flower is the red rose. The Tudor Rose represented the merging of two families and was later adopted as a symbol of peace, uniting a country, after a period of unrest. SAI is a year away from our 2025 National Convention with the theme of "United in Music." I hope you can imagine the warmth in my heart and the smile on my face when these two parallels in my life came into view. I am looking forward to celebrating our unity in Minneapolis in July 2025. Much SAI Love, Jessica Chichester, National President A WORD FROM THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT The Na onal Execu ve Board of Sigma Alpha Iota is reques ng submissions for workshop presenters at the 2025 Na onal Conven on — "United in Music" — on July 17-21, 2025 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Par cipants must be members of Sigma Alpha Iota. Registra on for the conven on is required for applicants and no remunera on will be made for conven on expenses. Those chosen will be highlighted in the Conven on Program and in media leading up to the event. Conven on Workshop Proposals: • Sessions will be 1 hour in length • May be a panel discussion or an individual speaker • Proposals should be music or Fraternity related—be crea ve! • Deadline: September 1, 2024 Call for Workshop Presenters for the 2025 SAI NATIONAL CONVENTION Call for Workshop Presenters for the 2025 SAI NATIONAL CONVENTION Please complete the online applica on form, available at: Email ques ons and any accompanying files as needed to SAI Na onal Headquarters at:

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